Amazing Simple Design Villa
Amazing Simple Design Villa The wooden house by Martin Cenek is located on the outskirts of Prague. Protected by a forest from the north abd sloping to the fields of the south, the site is perfect to build an energy efficient house. The house is built for young family of 3. The concept of the house design is based on a composition of simple volumes, which set to a compact and clear shape. The house design is very natural, simple and rational because of using timber as the materials. Amazing Simple Design Villa ,The upper level of the two storeys is covered by larch batons, which are also create brise soleil shutters windows on the south-facing elevation. On the ground level, there are the day zone volumes and the garden storeroom, which is put between the two grey outer walls. The natural house features the terrace, which is faced to the south,extending from the living room. The north of the house features a strip windows above the level of the flat roof, which has zenithal light to the bathrooms. Amazing Simple Design Villa There is sliding floor toceiling doors then allow different options of connecting or closing the various zones of the house to minimize corridors and lost spaces. The house has main feature, like staircase, which is suspended on steel rods from the ceiling. The interior design is very modern, simple and white to allow it blends into the walls and to give importance for the inhabitants.